1 fake raffle ticket winner receipt.
Does your partner roll their eyes every time another plant enters the house?
Do they not understand how plant #347 is just as important as plant #3?
Have you blown past the plant budget this month but found that wishlist plant you NEED?
Real talk-do you need to hide this plant purchase from your spouse? It’s ok. We understand. At least I do. Orion still rolls his eyes at me.
So, I’m here for you offering a raffle receipt for the items you purchase so when they say “another one?!” You can show the raffle receipt and say “look! I won it! I couldn’t say no to a free plant!”
Yes. This is a thing.
Disclaimer: I don’t have a good poker face so if while delivering your spouse asks me what you bought I will quickly scamper away and avoid all possible questions so your secret isn’t spoiled.
Second disclaimer Orion’s making me add; You shouldn’t lie to your spouse.
But is a little white lie every now and again really that big of a deal?